Wednesday, March 28, 2007

it a bad day

My alarm clock is broken. So, today I got up late. I didn't have breakfast, and then I hurried to go to school. I lost my key. After school, I couldn't go home. I stayed outside to wait for my father,I waited for a few minutes. My father came back, but, I had to go to work. I feel so tired, I didn't have time to rest. I was a bad day.

it a bad day

My alarm clock is broken. So, today I got up late. I didn't have breakfast, and then I hurried to go to school. I lost my key. After school, I couldn't go home. I stayed outside to wait for my father,I waited for a few minutes. My father came back, but, I had to go to work. I feel so tired, I didn't have time to rest. I was a bad day.

I just found out today. That for the next month or so my works schedule will be changing from week to week. Every week is going to be different , because some of my co-workers are taking turns to go on their vacation. So the managment needs to make out a new shift schedule for the whole staff. I am myself thinking of going back to china. Sometimes during the summer.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

my writing class teacher

Today in class. I realized something about my writing professor,she has a hobby of taking pictures of her students. I dont know why she does that. I guess she likes to look at how her student learn and do the work .She is teaching. I think that is a good way for a teacher to learn more about their student.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I go on intenet an hour everyday.I miss my life in china. I miss my firends. But now, I am in the USA. I also have firends here. I feel so tired. I must go to school to learn English,and then,after school. I have to go to work.
I was enjoy my life in China. I never think about other things now. I have only one dream. I hope my family is happy every day. I hope they are happy.

with my friend

My friend took me out to lunch after school today,we went for Japanese food in Alameda.The name of the resturant is Sushi House.It is pretty well know in the community. It is my first time eating raw fish. it was a very good experience.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

my speaking class

School had started for close to over a week, but my speaking class prrofessor still can't remember my name. So i finally told him my actual American English name is Tracy, but it is funny my writing professor, had no problem remembering my name. the second day of class.

a bad everying

This everying when i got to work, a co-worker told me that the place broken in to last night. The thief broke in the front door. One side of the swinging door glass was shattered. The thief only took the plasma tv and hothing else.

a very nice day

Today is Martin Luther Kings birthday, that's why there days was no school. I just stayed in bed late ,had lunch did some homework, watched a little television,then i got ready to go to work. It was a very nice quiet day.