Wednesday, May 2, 2007

planning a trip to china

I am so happy today because I finally bought the plane ticket to fly back to China. I'm so excited. I can't wait for that day. I am leaving on the 28th of May and I will be back on the 30th of June, but there is one inconvenient thing with this trip, that is they don't have direct flight back to China. I have to get off plane in hongkong, then catch a bus and ride for about 4 hours befor it can arrive to my village or another way is going to Japan. There is a divect flight to China, but it costs about a $1100 more. So I decided to call my cousin and see if he be can pick me up at H.K airport and ride with me back to the village. He said yes. I was so happy, because I can save on the plane ticket and get home safe.


At October 19, 2007 at 1:27 AM , Blogger Thunder said...



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