Wednesday, April 25, 2007

meeting the counselor

Today is my day off, I went to school, I went home, I had lunch,I did my homework and I had a little rest, then when my sister came home. I went with her to an appointment with her counselor at the learning center. My parents were supposed to go with her, but since they were both working I went with her. I am supposed to help my sister to improve her learning mostly in English, so she can get into a good college when she gratuates from high school. Looking at my sister. I was thinking if my family had immigranted a few months earlier. I could have gone to high school here too, because I could have learnt move English if I had been admiffed and be transfered into a 4 year college,I would have been easier too. But it's okay. I am trying my best to catch up.

Chinese new year

It's Chinese new year,it's fun for younger people like myself,because it is a tradition as married couple,the couple have to give the young ones whom are not maarry something that calls the red pocket with money in it, back in China we will go to friends and families places to wish them. Happy new year,but it is different here in the states. Everybody have to work or school. So all those celebration would have to wait till later or in the day, then since this year it drops on sunday it is good. So me and my family went to have Dim sum and visited friend. I had a great day, but it ended too soon, because I have to work at night, but still it had been fun that day, because this is the first year. I have Chinese new year in AMERICA.

It's a great day

It's was a great day today,because I went shopping with 2 of my co-workers. We all had the same day off.So we planed to go shopping over in San Francisco the shopping center is right above the Bart station.It is really convenient you get off powell station, then the shopping center is right above no head-ache of finding a parking space, no worried of going back to the car to feed the meter. So anyways when we get there we blowse we do not really buying anything it's just the idea of looking at nice things and to be with my good friends, it is my great enjoyment. I saw a jacket, but it was just too expensive. I don't think it's worth the money they are asking for. So I am going to keep my eyes open for the sales we had lunch in on of the restaurant at the mall and we a little bit move shopping then we had dinner at the cheese-cake Factory. The dinner was good. I had a great day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Disney On ICE

Last night a friend took my sister and I to OAKLAND to watch Disney on ICE .This time they featured. The Adventure of Mickey minner. It features the character of the Disney movie called the Ircrediples,how they decided to be a regular family, but when mickey and minnie were taken by the devil they turned themselves back into superhores and helped free mickey and minnie. It was a wonderful expeneice, because they don't have anything like that in China.

Bad Luck streak

I have a good friend who is running in bad luck steak this whole month. F irst of all she got a long crack on her windowshield,then she found out her car was also leaking oil, then last week for no reason at all her car would not start, so she had to take the car in for service, that cost her close to a thousand dollars. Then this week she hurt her back while playing ticket for parking in the red zone and I felt bad for that because she was bringing me dinner. But I felt bad for all the things that happened to her. I hope I won't be in such bad streak.